This image is described as “Rag and Bone Man.” He seems to have been someone who collected items from households around Salford. Together with the Knocker-upper, a photo of which we showed in another post, this is another occupation in Salford at that time.
The photo was taken in 1967 and the brown and orange stripy jacket and shiny trousers seem were fashionable at the time. I remember family photographs of my uncle in Germany, wearing similar jackets. The wagon he is pushing on the other hand looks much older and seems like a relict of bygone times even in 1967.
I am after memories of any type of occupation in Salford that are now lost. If someone can locate the photograph – the building in the background on the right hand side is quite recognisable – or remembers the “Rag and Bone Man,” please leave a comment in the box below.
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We are also collecting personal memories, photographs, postcards, letters etc. from people who remember the daily life in Salford during the 1950s, 60s and 70s. If you would like to share a memory or a family photograph, please contact us: themodernbackdrop@salford.ac.uk
My mum lived not too far away, in Beswick, in the ’50s and she remembers the rag and bone man would give you a donkey stone (to use scrubbing the front steps) in return for anything you gave him. Or if you were really lucky he would give you a goldfish! How random.
Hi Tracy. What a nice memory. Thank you for sharing!