“A Taste of Honey” tells the story Jo, of a teenage girl who must manage on her own after her mother remarries and abandons her. She moves in together with Geoffrey a gay co-worker. After a one-night-stand with a Black sailor, she becomes pregnant and Geoffrey assumes the role of the unborn child’s father. When Jo’s mother returns, the situation changes.
The film was an adaptation of Shelagh Delaney’s play of the same title. Both address and juxtapose a range of social contexts; of being Black, being White, being heterosexual and homosexual, being a mother, becoming a mother and – perhaps above all – class and social standing.
“A Taste of Honey” is important for The Modern Backdrop-project because much of it was filmed in Salford, with some scenes filmed in Blackpool and London.
Please not that it is part of the conference “Urban Modernisation And Representations Of The Working Class” that runs on the 25th and 26th of March. Information on it can be found here.
Please book a place using the button below. Seats are limited!
Thank you to our collaborative partners, the Modernist Society together with the Working Class Movement Library for organising the screening of this important movie.
Traveling to the Working Class Library:
Travelling to and parking at the Working Class Movement Library: https://www.wcml.org.uk/visit-the-library/visiting-the-library/finding-wcml/