Interpersonal Reactivity Index.
The interpersonal reactivity index is a 28 item questionnaire regarding empathy.
Items are scored on a 0-4 scale, with the total scale score calculated as a sum of the items. This is for sub-scales for example FS=fantasy scale.
Some items are scored in reverse for example, a score of 0 will now be 4.
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Davis, M.H. (1980). A multidimensional approach to individual differences in empathy. JSAS Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology, 10, 85.
Davis, M.H. (1983). Measuring individual differences in empathy: Evidence for a multidimensional approach. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 44, 113-126.
Davis, M.H. (1996). Empathy: A social psychological approach. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
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