AHP resources
9 June 2021This page contains resources specifically developed to assist AHP colleagues to implement GM Synergy
This page contains resources specifically developed to assist AHP colleagues to implement GM Synergy
The GM Synergy model has had a refresh following an extensive evaluation, we held a launch event in October 2020 and you can find the slides used in the presentation together with a recording of the event below.
Slide deck from the launch event
A comprehensive evaluation of the GM Synergy model was led by Professor Jackie Leigh, the executive summary and full report are included below. learning from the evaluation has taken place and is informing our refresh of the model.
This guide has been written by students from the four GM Universities for students who have been allocated a GM Synergy placement
WHAT is it?
GM Synergy is based on the CLiP™ model (Collaborative learning in Practice) developed by the University of East Anglia and is based on the concept of coaching compared to mentoring to enhance the confidence, competence and performance of students through the hands on care. The coaching approach to practice learning adopts a stronger focus toward self-directed learning and personal responsibility for learning. The learning is student led, less focused on following the direction of the mentor and more focused on students taking responsibility in identifying their goals and objectives and working with the ‘coach’ offering guidance and critical challenge.
In the coaching model, a student will still be allocated a named mentor but on a day-to-day basis be ‘coached’ by a suitably experienced practitioner who is not necessarily a mentor. This means that there are times when the named mentor may be present in the clinical area without acting as the coach.
The practice learning area will be supported by a practice project lead / Practice Education Facilitator(PEF) and University Link Lecturer (ULL) who act as a source of expert advice and challenge to students, mentors and coaches. Mentoring and coaching are both learning and development tools and there are advantages and disadvantages to both. The GM Synergy model is fully compliant with the NMC Standards for Learning in Practice and practice (NMC 2008) as regards appropriate delegation and rigour of assessment. Students are to be allocate a named mentor who have an NMC recognised mentorship qualification the, however the GM Synergy project enhances all staff with appropriate coaching skills.
WHAT its not!
WHAT stays the same
WHAT is different?
A model to help facilitate the leadership skills of the student and the interaction of the mentor with the student is the Situational Leadership model developed by Hersey and Blanchard (1969). The model helps to identify when and what support is required. This may involve appropriate delegation of activities and high levels of support, similar to a mentor style of one to one. N.B this may also be the case when supporting a student with progression concerns. The model demonstrates the fluidity of leadership skills required by the mentor towards a student in placement form the initial orientation phase to the final weeks. Similarly as knowledge, experience and confidence grows in the students the same curve can be mirrored by the student on placement.
Hersey, P. and Blanchard, K. H. (1969)
HOW it works
Hersey, P., & Blanchard, K. H. (1969). Life Cycle Theory of Leadership. Training Development, 23, 26-34.
NMC (2008) NMC Standards for Learning in Practice and practice.
Collaborative Learning in Practice (CLiP® 2014) University East Anglia
The GM Synergy project has its foundations in the University of East Anglia’s CLiP™ model (Collaborative learning in Practice) based on the concept of coaching compared to mentoring to enhance the confidence, competence and performance of students through hands-on care. The coaching approach to practice learning adopts a stronger focus toward self-directed learning and personal responsibility for learning. The learning is student led, less focused on following the direction of the mentor and more focused on students taking responsibility in identifying their goals and objectives and working with the ‘coach’ offering guidance and critical challenge.
Development of steering group and sub-groups The steering group was established in November 2016, with representation from Trusts, Universities and The North-West Placement Development Network. The following sub-groups were formed to facilitate the development and implementation of the project across Greater Manchester:
University of East Anglia Train the Trainer Day Steering group members, Clinical staff, PEFs and University Link Lecturers attended a training day facilitated by the University of East Anglia to learn from their experience of implementing their Collaborative Learning in Practice (CLiP™) model.
GM Synergy Simulation A total of 19 students from across all four Universities were invited to attend a simulation of the model in practice at the University of Salford. Colleagues from the steering group were involved in the simulation experience as staff and patients. This experience was a valuable learning opportunity for all involved and enabled the group to gain greater insight into both the optimum skill mix and student numbers required to ensure successful implementation of the model.
Pilot areas and capacity identified by Trusts Pilot clinical areas have now been identified by Trusts and capacity agreed in most areas. The process of training staff in these areas has been developed and are being prepared for the implementation by PEF colleagues. The relevant University Link Lecturers have been informed that their areas and are aware of the increased support that they will be required to provide during the pilot phase.
GM Synergy Pledges A pledges document has been produced that identifies key actions required from Trusts, Universities and students to facilitate the implementation of the project. The pledge document is attached below.
Logo and web site With the input of the Communications and Marketing sub-group, the Marketing Department at the University of Salford have devised a unique logo for the project. The university is also hosting the project web site which is currently in development.
Coaching programme A GM Synergy coaching programme is in the final stages of development and will be rolled out prior to the pilot start. The programme will be shared with colleagues in the identified pilot areas and students allocated to the placement areas.
Allocations Students from the four universities are currently being allocated to the pilot areas in order to ensure that there is a good skill mix of students to enable the optimisation of the model. Leads from all Universities will ensure that students allocated to the project areas receive timely information. Students will also be invited to attend an information session prior to the start of their placement hosted by the Universities with the support of PEF colleagues.
Evidence base A literature review has been undertaken to underpin the principles of the project and ensure that the model is evidence based. This will be available on the GM Synergy web site. A bid has been submitted to the Burdette Fund to support an evaluation of the project, we expect to be informed if we have been successful in this bid in December 2017.