The CICA evaluation team

Delivering and evaluating CICA is a cross-institutional endeavour. The NIHR evaluation is led by Professor Penny Cook, University of Salford and comprises three work packages.

The team delivering Work Package 1 – the process evaluation – includes Margaret Coffey, Liz Burns, Suzy Hargreaves and Cathy Ure from the University of Salford and Suzanne Audrey from the University of Bristol.

Work Package 2 – the outcomes evaluation – is being delivered by Frank de Vocht and Mira Hidajat from the University of Bristol and Work Package 3 – the economic evaluation – by Steve Parrott and Noemia Siqueira from the University of York.

David Ottiwell provides insight and support to WP2 and WP3 from a New Economy perspective. Operationally, training and development for AHCs is supported by the RSPH with Kiran Kenth working alongside the evaluation team. Jan Hopkins, from Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership provides an operational perspective across Greater Manchester. Sue Hare from Fallowfield Community Guardians is our PPI representative and brings a wealth of experience regarding community-based licensing decision-making. Professor Kate Ardern is Director of Public Health (DPH) for Wigan, is lead DPH for Greater Manchester’s response to alcohol harm, and has contributed to the design of the intervention.