Welcome to SARN
SARN is the Salford Antibiotic Research Network: a collection of scientists, researchers and industry partners working together to overcome antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
Why we set up SARN
The Salford Antibiotics Research Network was set up in 2019 to connect antibiotics researchers, academics, health care professionals and industrial stakeholders in Salford and Manchester. Resistance to antibiotics is emerging as one of the largest public health threats facing us today. A wide range of AMR research is already taking place at the University of Salford, from the development of new antibiotics to the implementation of health policy. AMR is a complex issue that requires a One Health approach; by coordinating our research, pooling our resources and collaborating with industry and the health sector, we can take the fight to AMR.

Explore SARN
This space will be a resource for understanding the problem of AMR, the actions required to combat it, and for current and future collaborators with the University of Salford. Here you can read an introduction to AMR, or head over to the Meet our Members space to see the researchers and stakeholders involved in SARN.
Over the coming months we will be diving deeper into the research projects currently being conducted at Salford, with interviews with SARN researchers about their work posted on the SARN blog.
Contact us
If you have any enquiries about SARN, or any questions about AMR research at Salford, please contact Dr Chloe James or Dr Joe Latimer.