Take part in our oral history interviews to share your memories

As part of the Modern Backdrop project we are carrying out oral history interviews with people who remember the changes that occurred to housing in Salford and the Pendleton area from the 1950s to the 1970s. If this sounds like you – please get in touch!

Your memories will help us to analyze the transition from terraced housing to the new social housing project.  We would like to collect your memories as source material and evidence that will be used to draw comparisons between how life in Salford was depicted in visual culture (including TV, film, photography, literature) in contrast with lived experiences. We will use a selection of memories for the blog posts on this website, an academic publication and an exhibition with catalogue at the Salford Museum and Art Gallery in 2024.

The information we get from the interview will help us to fulfil the aims of the research project to better understand the impact the transition from terraced to modern social housing has had on Salford and its residents. You will have the opportunity to speak about your personal experience that might be different to the ways in which the people of Salford have been portrayed in newspapers, and a range of media.

If you are interested and want to know more or how you can book in for an interview please email us at themodernbackdrop@salford.ac.uk. We will email you with a Participants Information Sheet which explains the purpose of the interview, what expect during the interview and what we will do with the information we records, along with a list of the questions you will be asked and a consent form. We will also offer you a selection of dates to attend the Working Class Movement Library for the interview.

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