Rain Garden

This green wall consists of 4 different planted sections: biodiversity, seasonal, pollinator, edible. This mass of plant life and soil helps insulate the building, utilize excess rainwater from the university campus, and attract more biodiversity to campus with the installed bird and insect boxes throughout the vertical area of the wall. The wall also includes different ranges of technologies from high end technologies of Living walls to simple climber walls, which offers base for building the business case for investment for different users and needs.

In front of the green wall, and at the heart of the living lab sit two underground water tanks, which act as the collection point of excess water, as well as the base of automatic irrigation for the living lab system. The irrigation system in the living lab is automated to use the data from water monitors to identify if a certain element needs more water, pumping this from the central attenuation tanks to this element until the levels are back to an acceptable limit.

Rain garden