Key GM Synergy Project milestones to date

By Aug.15, 2017

Development of steering group and sub-groups The steering group was established in November 2016, with representation from Trusts, Universities and The North-West Placement Development Network. The following sub-groups were formed to facilitate the development and implementation of the project across Greater Manchester:

  • Evidence base
  • Communications and marketing
  • Governance
  • Coaching

University of East Anglia Train the Trainer Day Steering group members, Clinical staff, PEFs and University Link Lecturers attended a training day facilitated by the University of East Anglia to learn from their experience of implementing their Collaborative Learning in Practice (CLiP™) model.

GM Synergy Simulation A total of 19 students from across all four Universities were invited to attend a simulation of the model in practice at the University of Salford. Colleagues from the steering group were involved in the simulation experience as staff and patients. This experience was a valuable learning opportunity for all involved and enabled the group to gain greater insight into both the optimum skill mix and student numbers required to ensure successful implementation of the model.

Pilot areas and capacity identified by Trusts Pilot clinical areas have now been identified by Trusts and capacity agreed in most areas. The process of training staff in these areas has been developed and are being prepared for the implementation by PEF colleagues. The relevant University Link Lecturers have been informed that their areas and are aware of the increased support that they will be required to provide during the pilot phase.

GM Synergy Pledges A pledges document has been produced that identifies key actions required from Trusts, Universities and students to facilitate the implementation of the project. The pledge document is attached below.

Logo and web site With the input of the Communications and Marketing sub-group, the Marketing Department at the University of Salford have devised a unique logo for the project. The university is also hosting the project web site which is currently in development.  

Coaching programme A GM Synergy coaching programme is in the final stages of development and will be rolled out prior to the pilot start. The programme will be shared with colleagues in the identified pilot areas and students allocated to the placement areas.

Allocations Students from the four universities are currently being allocated to the pilot areas in order to ensure that there is a good skill mix of students to enable the optimisation of the model. Leads from all Universities will ensure that students allocated to the project areas receive timely information. Students will also be invited to attend an information session prior to the start of their placement hosted by the Universities with the support of PEF colleagues.

Evidence base  A literature review has been undertaken to underpin the principles of the project and ensure that the model is evidence based. This will be available on the GM Synergy web site. A bid has been submitted to the Burdette Fund to support an evaluation of the project, we expect to be informed if we have been successful in this bid in December 2017.


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