Getting started with developing my research and innovation activity
Identify a research and innovation activity
Annual appraisal
If you are interested in conducting research or innovation alongside your role, the best time to mention this to your manager is in your annual appraisal or review meetings and include it as a goal in your Personal Development Plan. You may be signposted to the research and innovation team, or provided with the generic email address.
If your interest does not fall within a review period do not wait until the next one, let your manager know and make contact with your R&I team.
Keep an eye out for information on research and innovation nationally on NHS Research Innovation Strategy. One of their current objectives is to develop a multi-professional Clinical Academic Careers Framework for patient benefit.
Join an Early Career Research (ECR) group
ECR groups are for people in the early stages of their research career. Some organisations have ECR groups or if you are studying you may wish to join one at the local university. Check within your organisation for ECR or research conversations such as professional/student groups such as RCN Research Society / CAHPR; Your Path to Research; NIHR Academy; NIHR Insight Programme North West; and Matrons & Healthcare Leaders via X – @MatronsResearch
Keep checking the research updates within your organisation, as an ECR group may be implemented in the future.
Set up a research profile
Research profiles are an opportunity to present yourself and your research to a wider audience and ensure you get credit for your research outputs. There are many different profile options available – pick ones that work for you and your audience.
Get in touch with your research and innovation team to check which research profiles are approved by your organisation.
Talk to people who can help
Within your organisation there may be staff with research and innovation workload and careers. Some may be professors, hold a doctorate, be consultant nurses, midwives or allied health professionals, be advanced clinical practitioners, or have undertaken a masters degree in research. Make contact with them and ask them how theystarted on their journey. They may even ask you to join their team or group.