Developing Age-Friendly Communities in an emergent Post Pandemic World
This page includes details of any events we have planned and updates of events that we have attended. If you want to learn more or have an event you feel the project could benefit from please get in touch with the research team.
Planned Events
Salford Photo Stories
November 2023 Festival of Social Science: The project has successfully secured funding as part of the 2023 Festival of Social Science. The festival is an annual celebration of research and knowledge about humans and society.
As part of this years Festival we are holding a public exhibition to showcase the creative outputs of a community research group to tell the collective story of a group of older people living in Salford. The exhibition will display photographs taken as part of a co-designed community research group as part of the Developing Age-Friendly Communities in Post-Pandemic World research project. The project is led by Salford University in partnership with Inspiring Communities Together, Age UK Salford and Manchester Metropolitan University.
If you would like to join us the exhibition will be held on Wednesday 8th November 2023 from 1.30pm at Critchley Café, 75 Chorley Road, Swinton, M27 4AF there will also be light refreshments as well as a change to view the photos from our photo voice project. We would love to see you there, please confirm your attendance by contacting Vanda Groves either on or telephone 07835 294774
Past Events
October 2023 International Training School: A member of our research team has gained a funded place on an International Training School through SIPET (Sustainability, inclusiveness, productivity and equity and the transformation of Swedish working life courses). The first event is entitled “The Green and Digital Transition and Late Work in the Ageing Society” and is organised by the Linköping University (LiU), Karolinska Institute and FORTE (Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare). You can find out more about the wider project here:
The research team was part of a training event exploring transitions in late work. Exploring how research can create impact for the health and well-being of older workers.
July 2023 Research Innovation Lab: The project took part in an international Research Innovation Lab on Ageing in a Digital Age 23 hosted by the Goethe-Universität and as part of the Frankfurt Forum for Interdisciplinary Ageing Research in partnership with the Catholic University of Freiburg. The event was funded by the Volkswagen Foundation who support researchers with creative ideas aimed at changing the world of science.
The 5 day lab brought together 29 researchers from 11 different countries to work together to explore the following question: How can older adults participate equally in digitisation processes across Europe, and what inclusive research strategies are needed. The lab brought together researchers from various disciplines to better understand how researchers and work more closely with older people to co-create solutions to ageing within a digital world.
Experts in the field who gave keynotes at the Lab included: Professor Juliane Jarke of Digital Societies at the University of Graz, Austria, Professor Helen Manchester of Participatory Sociodigital Futures from the University of Bristol, Dr. Arlind Reuter a postdoctoral researcher at the applied gerontology research group at Lund University and Dr. Friedrich Wolf a postdoctoral researcher in the field of educational sciences at Goethe-University.
July 2023 Social Policy Association Conference: The project presented a paper in July at the the 2023 Annual Social Policy Association Conference. The conference took place at University of Nottingham, 5th-7th July and this year the theme was Rising Inequalities and Poverty: What Role for Social Policy? You can explore the conference programme to see what other projects were presented and discussed:
We shared our Phase 1 findings and engaged with researchers from all over the world to explore how research and social policy can tackle rising inequalities.
June 2023 People, Place and Policy Conference: The project presented at The People, Place and Policy Annual Conference, hosted in Sheffield by the Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research (CRESR) at Sheffield Hallam University. The presentation was included in the “Community and the COVID Crisis Stream” you can take a look at the full conference programme to find out more or take a look at our presentation slides.
May 2023 Age friendly Greater Manchester wider team meeting: Three members of the project team gave a presentation at the age-friendly wider GM meeting over teams in early May, this was to update the group on the project findings and progress so far, followed by an interesting and useful discussion about creating real change for older people across GM through research and participation.
April 2023 Advisory Board Meeting: The project held its second advisory board meeting to update members on the progress to date. The group has been formed through an invitation to a range of stakeholders across Greater Manchester interested in supporting the project. The group provide strategic guidance, support and advice on the project.
March 2023 Dunhill Medical Trust Annual Lectures 2023: The project was invited to speak as part of the Annual Lectures 2023: Creating age-friendly housing and communities together. We recorded a webinar as part of a set of recorded presentations which make up the Annual Lectures 2023 from our project funders, Dunhill Medical Trust.
Learn more about our session where you can see members of the team talking about our work and approach in a video recording of the webinar.
February 2023 Introductory Poster: We have produced a poster that provides more information about the first six months of the project, you can view a PDF of the poster.
ESRC Festival of Social Science: In autumn 2022 we held two public events, “Postcards from Salford” that invited people to tell us about their favourite places in Salford. You can read more about what they told us here:
Greater Manchester Ageing Hub: We have presented overviews of our work to the Greater Manchester Combined Authority Ageing Hub please use the following link to access a PDF of the presentation we gave;
You can also keep updated through our social media pages, find us on Twitter through @SalfordAgeing or on Facebook page Developing Age-Friendly Communities Salford | Salford (