David Beevers (PhD Student) Chairs session at the School of Science, Engineering, and Environment IPGRC Conference
On 6th April 2022 David attended the International Postgraduate Research Conference hosted by the School of Science, Engineering, and Environment. The theme of the conference was ‘Resilience in Research and Practice’ and David submitted a proposal towards the end of 2021 to Chair a session titled “Exploring the psychological impact of design”. The four speakers approached the topic from very different angles and David did a great job coordinating and Chairing the session (particularly as this was a hybrid event and whilst the speakers were all online, David and most of the audience attended in-person!). David has since written about the session on the Perception + Space webpage.
PhD Student, David Beevers, publishes in the BPS Cognitive Bulletin
We are very excited to announce that David has published an overview of the work he completed on an EPS New Graduate Research Bursary in the Spring 2022 issue of the Cognitive Bulletin. David worked on the project with Dr Catherine Thompson during the summer of 2021 before starting his PhD. Details of the Cognitive Bulletin can be found here.
ESRC Festival of Social Science November 2021 – Cognitive Restoration: The effects of the environment on thinking

In November 2021 members of our group organised an event as part of the ESRC Festival of Social Science. We had originally planned to host a face-to-face event at a local museum to showcase the effects of nature environments on thinking, however due to the Covid-19 lockdowns we opted to host an online museum experience using Gather. The team (Dr Catherine Thompson, David Beevers, Eve Bent, and Dr Michael Lomas) created the museum event with expert help from Sam Royle, and we also worked with a fantastic student from Animation (Arkadiusz Jakubowski) to create a short video about cognitive restoration.
Seeing into the future – Research Showcase

The Visual Cognition group presented some of their research projects and expertise in an online research showcase in July 2021. This was a great way to communicate our work to those outside of Psychology and it was really nice to see colleagues from other disciplines interested in our research.
Entry to the APA PsycShorts 2019 competition
In March 2019 the Visual Cognition group was very excited to put together a video that briefly explains visuomotor priming for entry into the APA PsycShorts competition. Sadly, our video did not win one of the 12 prizes, but it was a great (and new!) experience. We also faced some tough competition with around 200 entries to the competition. You can see each of the winning videos here.
Industry 4.0

Group members Dr Adam Galpin, Dr Maria Panagiotidi, and Dr Catherine Thompson presented the work of the Visual Cognition research group at the Industry 4.0 event, part of the annual Festival of Research. The audience was very different to that of the workshop in which we demonstrated the equipment, and it is great to share research with a wide range of individuals.
Want to know what I’m thinking? Look into my eyes

As part of the
University of Salford’s Festival of Research in the summer of 2019 the Visual Cognition group invited students and colleagues from across the University to our labs to demonstrate some of the unique and interesting equipment that we use within psychology. If you were not able to attend the workshop you can find a short video that captured the event here.