GMMSIN is a joint venture between the Manchester Centre for Clinical Neurology (based at Salford Royal NHS Trust Hospital and part of the NHS Northern Care Alliance), the University of Salford and Positive about MS. It has been funded by the MS Society. 

For day- to-day queries about the project – please email

The day to day running of the network is the responsibility of the following team of people: 

Principal Investigator  Professor Alison Brettle
University of Salford  
Dr. David Rog Consultant Neurologist, MCCN,Salford Royal Hospital 
Lindsay Lord Lead Nurse, MS Team, MCCN,Salford Royal Hospital 
Danielle Cragg MS Nurse, MCCN,Salford Royal Hospital and GMMSIN moderator
Dr. Cristina Vasilica University of Salford 
Dr. Lisa Garwood-Cross University of Salford 
Dr. Paul Hepburn 
University of Salford 
Deborah Parker University of Salford 
Bhima LoganGMMSIN moderator 
Amy Thompson GMMSIN moderator 

The GMMSIN network is overseen by an Advisory Group. This Group comprises health and academic experts in the field of MS and health related digital media interventions, representatives from the MS Society and Positive about MS. Its purpose is to ensure there is good governance of the GMMSIN and to provide guidance and support when required. It is chaired by Professor Paula Ormandy from the University of Salford.