News and Events

Jack Wilson featured in International Association for Study of Arabia journal

Jack Wilson On 26th April 2023 Dr Jack Wilson co-delivered a lecture by Zoom on ‘Language and Ecology in Southern and Eastern Arabia’ (with Profs Janet Watson and Dawn Chatty), an event jointly organised by the British Yemeni Society, the International Association for the Study of Arabia (IASA) and the Mohamed Bin Issa al Jaber […]

Arts for the Blues wins new AHRC grant funding

Arts for the Blues, an evidenced-based creative psychological therapy developed by Prof Scott Thurston as a collaborative partnership between the University of Salford and Edge Hill University, has been awarded £50,000 from the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) to develop a CPD (Continuing Professional Development) package. The two-day course, supported by a website and […]

English Research Seminar: Sindiswa Busuku

We are delighted to announce the latest English Research Seminar, taking place in person and online on Wednesday 8th November between 2:30 and 3:30 on the University of Salford campus. If you wish to attend as a member of the public, please contact Scott Thurston on The seminar is also available to online participants. […]

Southern Voices

Lecturer and Knowledge Exchange Fellow Dr Emma Barnes recently collaborated with Manchester-based community group, Southern Voices, to host public engagement event ‘Exploring legacies of Empire – Perspectives from the Global South’. The event was held on 28th June 2023 at the Working Class Movement Library (WCML) in Salford. The event was comprised of two 3-hour […]

Arts for the Blues at the American Psychological Association Convention in Washington DC

Prof Scott Thurston and colleagues Dr Joanna Omylinska-Thurston (Salford, Health and Society) and Prof Vicky Karkou (Edge Hill) of the Arts for the Blues team recently presented at the American Psychological Association’s (APA) annual convention held in Washington DC on 2-6 August. Arts for the Blues was featured twice, amongst the 2000+ presentations in this […]

Jade Munslow Ong hosts New Thinking: Writing the NHS

Jade Munslow Ong has recently hosted a ‘New Thinking’ conversation as a part of a series of 5 episodes of the Arts and Ideas podcast marking the 75th anniversary of the NHS, focusing on new research in UK universities which explores links between the arts and health. Jade’s guests on the show were Kim Wiltshire […]

Latest from the South African Modernism blog

Why not visit the South African Modernism blog for the latest on key project events? See here for an article on the team’s latest visit to SA and their many adventures… And see here for an article about the Karoo Writers Festival Visual Text Workshop!

Alicia Rouverol’s Dry River on tour

Alicia Rouverol has been touring her new novel Dry River with a series of in-person and online events. The next event will be on 6 August (8pm BST) International Book launch/Zoom event. Please register your interest using this Eventbrite link. To find out more about Alicia’s book you can find two recent interviews below. The […]

Launch of Leanne Bridgewater’s adDictionary in Coventry

On Saturday 15 July, Scott Thurston held an event at The Tin Arts and Music venue in Coventry to celebrate the publication of Leanne Bridgewater’s (1989-2019) adDictionary – an experimental dictionary featuring 12,000 new words, each with their own definitions. This book started life as Leanne’s Masters thesis at Salford from where she graduated in […]

Marama Salsano on Indigenous responses to climate change

Readers of this blog are invited to attend the fourth seminar in the series, “Indigenous Writing: Reclaiming the Past, Imagining the Future”. Marama Salsano (Ngāi Tūhoe, Te Aitanga-a-Māhaki, Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Wairere) will be joining us (virtually!) from Aotearoa New Zealand to deliver a paper on her research on 31st July. “Haumi ē, hui ē, tāiki ē!”: […]