Dr Ian Goodhead

Ian has used cutting-edge genomics technology to perform early sequencing of parasite and bacterial genomes of medical and veterinary importance. He now implements next-generation sequencing technologies to understand microbial pathogenesis and host-parasite interactions, in interdisciplinary research groups at Salford University. Ian has a wide range of collaborations including at the University of Liverpool, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and University of York. He also oversees all research in the Salford School of Science, Engineering and the Environment as Associate Dean.
Current projects
Read Your DNA Live (MICROBIhOME): live swabbing, sequencing and calling of antimicrobial resistance genes from crowd-sourced bacterial DNA.
with Chloe James, Joe Latimer and Sarah Withers
Antibiotic stewardship and tackling the rising problem of AMR in Uganda.
with Chloe James, Louise Ackers and Richard Birtles
AMR genes in water in Brazil
with Chiara Benvenuto
Selected works
Goodhead, I. et al. (2020) Large scale and significant expression from pseudogenes in Sodalis glossinidius – a facultative bacterial endosymbiont. Microb. Genom. 6(1)
Bronowski, C., Mustafa, K., Goodhead, I. et al. (2017). Campylobacter jejuni transcriptome changes during loss of culturability in water. PLoS ONE 12(11)