This was a research project within a broader action grant co-funded by the European Union’s Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme.
The study had two main aims. Firstly, to document the situation of Roma within six partner countries (Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom). Secondly, to conduct exploratory empirical research with Roma and non Roma people in the partner countries. The research centred on exploring the extent to which Roma continue to experience social exclusion in key areas of everyday life, and the degree to which Roma and non Roma communities led segregated or integrated lives.
The project ran for two years from April 2011 until March 2013. A second project called Roma MATRIX was developed and funded following the completion of this project.
Principal Investigators: Professor Pete Dwyer (University of York), Professor Philip Brown and Dr Lisa Scullion
Lead partner: Migration Yorkshire
Funder: Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme of the European Union.