Smart Urban Futures Research Group
Rapid urbanisation, a global phenomenon which has sparked significant debate, will have a significant impact on our changing society. At the same time, hypermobility and the increasing integration of information systems and technology into all areas of urban life feed these changes in a way which requires a depth of original and multidisciplinary academic thought on how we should plan, design and evaluate urban living. Research into the future of cities therefore is of utmost importance.
The Smart Urban Futures Research Group was formed to draw together academic expertise at the University of Salford which is at the interface between the design, construction, functioning and development of future urban spaces; and the lives, health, behaviour and movement of humans who exist within cities. The group complements, and work with, existing cutting edge research in Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Salford which have a focus on construction, energy and digital innovation in cities and towns by seeking to understand the key questions underpinning the development of cities as equitable, prosperous and liveable spaces for all, and how citizens, individually and collectively shape this development.
Members of the group are currently involve in a number of large EU and UKRI projects including the IGNITION project on Nature Based Solutions climate resilience (UIA ERDF, €4.6M), Museums Objects and Visitors Environment (AHRC, £189,000), the Indian Heritage Platform (AHRC, £183,267), and Conservation of Climate Change Endangered Cultural Industrial Heritage (AHRC, £150,000), Urban data models for healthy environments (Newton, £53,000), and A new portal for City Information Modelling (AHRC, £120,000)
The aims of the Smart Urban Futures Research Group are to:
- Explore and understand contemporary societal and ecological challenges and future factors underpinning climate-change resilient cities
- Apply our research to industry, communities and issues surrounding urban liveability
- Provide a platform and space to bring key debates surrounding future cities to the forefront of academic thinking, in the form of symposia, publications, seminars and events
- Promote interdisciplinarity in research on the built environment integrating the social and historicalsciences, engineering, and health into current research approaches .
Our scope is equally focused regionally on Greater Manchester and globally, reflecting our commitment to produce real research impact on our neighbouring communities whilst simultaneously providing academic leadership in the built environment to cities across the world. In particular the new Industrial Strategy and the United Nations Global Sustainable Development Goals align to many of the issues on which we are focused.

Research topics
Key research areas and questions
- Ecologies of cities: How can we reimagine cities by taking into account the principles of ecological sciences? How do humans, the natural and built environment operate in a series of linked interactions of systems, actors and networks?
- Smart urban futures: How will smart data help us to map scenarios and transform cities? What is the future of carrying data within data object cities? How are cities becoming subjectified?
- Urban Liveability: How does architecture and urban form influence the health, liveability and inclusivity of citizens? How should city design adapt to future, global trends, including greater populations, rapid advances in technology and climate change?
- Future Urban Mobility: How will the way we move within and between cities change as society develops? How will we adapt in conjunction with changes in infrastructure and technology? How can future cities develop for more sustainable, active and mobile citizens?
- Governance: How can cities be an equitable and enjoyable space for all? How can cities be an area of resource, rather than consumption?
- Adaptation to climate change and changing environments: How will our cities develop in a way which is resilient to future changes? How can we improve green and blue infrastructures in our cities to reduce problems such as urban heat and air pollution?
- Urban food security: How can cities adapt to grow food within the urban context? Can cities grow enough to feed their populations?
- Perception + Space: How do we – consciously and subliminally – respond to the visual stimuli of our urban environments and interior spaces? How does the perception of interior and exterior environments influence our mood and wellbeing? More…
- Elkadi, H. and Walker S. (2020) Conservation of Climate Change Endangered Cultural Furniture Industry Heritage, AHRC (£134,000)
- Trillo, C. (PI) (2020) CIM_SUR: A new portal for City Information Modelling: Systems’ integration in industry and sustainable urban regeneration (2020-23), Royal Academy of Engineering, Newton Fund, role: UK Principal Investigator. Total budget, £119,990.00
- Elkadi, H.(PI) GMCA, MU (2018) Innovation Financing and delivery of Natural Climate Solutions in Greater Manchester (IGNITION), ERDF (€6M- share €1.4M)
- Elkadi, H. (PI) and Tikunov, V. (2020) Urban Data Exchange Consortium for Russia and UK Smart Cities, Researcher Links Grant (£52,000)
- Trillo, V. (PI) (2019) IT conservation of traditional architecture and heritage (2019-2021), Royal Academy of Engineering, Newton Fund, role: UK Principal Investigator. Total budget, £73,495.00
- Elkadi, H., Biscaya, S. (2018) Camouflaged Metropoles: Developing smart communities across the Manchester Ship Canal, HEIF
- Elkadi, H. (2018) Connecting to the smart cities – Developing a roadmap to explore big data analytical solutions to address Mekong Delta’s current challenges, Newton Fund, Collaboration with Can Tho University, Vietnam, British Council
- Trillo, C. (PI) (2018) IT Indian Heritage Platform: Enhancing cultural resilience in India by applying digital technologies to the Indian tangible and intangible heritage (2018-2020), AHRC, role: Co-Investigator, Total budget: £183,267.
- Hardman, M. (2018–Present) ‘Unpacking Perpetuation Of Spatial Inequality Of Service Delivery In South Africa: Focus On Former Homelands,’ National Research Foundation South Africa
- Hardman, M. (2017–2018) ‘Care Farm in Salford’
- Hardman, M. (2017–2018) ‘Snipeclough Masterplan’, Oldham Council
- Hardman, M. (2017–2018) ‘Urban Farming in Deprived Communities’, Mosscare Housing Group
- Davies, N. (2017) Walking and tourism: Survey in Salford and Manchester, University of Salford HEIF
- Davies, N. (2017) Talking the Walk: Encouraging Active Travel in Salford (2017) University of Salford HEIF
- Elkadi, H. and Davies, N. (2017) Exploration of future cross-sector and cross-disciplinary alternative and ecological flood resilience approaches, University of Salford HEIF
- Hardman, M. (2017) ‘Upscaling Urban Agriculture’, Manchester Geographical Society
- Hardman, M. (2017) ‘Scoping the Potential of High-Tech Urban Agriculture as a Major Employment Sector in Manchester’, Manchester City Council
- Hardman, M. (2016–2017) ‘Successful Models for Urban Farms’, Pendleton Together
- Weston, R., Davies, N., et al (2016) Eurovelo 5: Development Project, European Commission, European Cyclists Federation
- Elkadi, H. (2015) Smart Cities and Building Information Management training programmes, Chinese Academy of Building Research, China
- Weston, R., Davies, N., Guiver, J. et al (2015) Silver Cyclists: Cycle tourism for older age groups, European Commission
- Weston, R. and Davies, N. (2015) Peak District Economic Impacts of Cycling, Peak District National Park
- Weston, R. and Davies, N. (2015) Yorkshire Dales Economic Impacts of Cycling (2015), Yorkshire Dales and North Yorkshire Moors National Parks Authority
- Hardman, M. (2014-2018) ‘Evaluating Urban Agriculture’, Wythenshawe Community Housing Group
- Hardman, M. (2014–2015) ‘Putting Food Banks Out of Business? Digital Transformations and Local Capacity-Building for Long-Term Systemic Change’, EPSRC
- Elkadi, H. (2014) The Geelong Food Hub feasibility study, Regional Development Victoria, Victorian State Government
- Elkadi, H. (2014) Development of an Ecological Spine and WMC, Living Victoria Fund, Victorian State Government
- Guiver, J. and Davies, N. (2011 & 2014) Lake District Longitudinal Sustainable Travel Study, Lake District National Park
- Weston, R., Davies, N., et al (2014) Research Note on Passenger Rights and Tourism, Cost of non-Europe and sustainable tourism (2014) Research note for the European Parliament
- Bradford, C. and Elkadi, H. (2013) Landscape to Manufacturing: The Wool Industry in Geelong, Geelong, Community Arts Grants, COGG
- Davies, N. and Weston, R. (2013) Monmouthshire Coastal Path Transport Study, 2013, Monmouthshire County Council
- Elkadi, H (2013) VISION2: Spine Options, The State of Victoria through the Department of Environment and Primary Industries
- Weston, R., Davies, N., et al (2013) European Greenways as Transnational Tourism Product, European Commission (value)
- Davies, N., Weston, R., Ellsmann, D., et al. (2012) Citizens’ Rail, European Commission: Interreg 4b
- Elkadi, H., CfG, CGG, and DPCD (2012) VISION II, New Vision for the City of Geelong CBD, DPCD
- Elkadi, H. and Abassi, N. (2012) Development of a Tool for Evaluation of Academic Library Spaces (TEALS), Internal Deakin Grant
- Elkadi, H. and Leao, S. (2012) Mapping Noise in Residential Areas of Citylink, City of Boorandara, Melbourne, Victoria
- Elkadi, H. and Yang, R. (2012) Assessment of Levels of Engagement in Geelong Leadership Programmes, Committee for Geelong
- Lane, B., Weston, R., Davies, N., et al. (2012) Industrial Heritage and Sustainable Tourism Study, (2012), European Commission
- Weston, R., Peeters, P., Davies, N., et al. (2011) Eurovelo, study of European Cycle Tourism, European Commission
- Guiver, J. and Davies, N. (2011) Buses in Tourist Areas, sustainable travel research tool, ESRC
- Guiver, J. and Davies, N. (2011) Commonwealth Championships, Sustainable Events (Keswick), LDNPA
- Guiver, J. and Davies, N. (2011) Breeze up to the Downs Travel survey, Brighton and East Sussex Council
- Weston, R. and Davies, N. (2011) Dee Valley walking and cycle trail feasibility study (2010-11)
- Lumsdon, L., Davies, N., Weston, R., et al. (2008) Eurovelo, study of European Cycle Tourism, European Commission
- Lumsdon, L., Davies, N., Dugdill, L. et al. (2007) Every Stop Helps: Study on health and public transport, HEFCE
- Davies, N. Lumsdon, L., Weston, R. (2006) Delphi Study: The future of Transport and Tourism (2006) North West RDA
- Lumsdon, L., Davies, N. (2006) Comparative Recreational Study of Wales and other Countries, Countryside Council for Wales Lumsdon, L., Davies, N., Rye, T. et al. (2006), MAX-SUCCESS, FP6 European Commission
- Weston, R. and Davies, N. (2006) North Sea Cycle Route Development Study (2006-7) Interreg 3b
- Guiver, J. and Davies, N. (2005) Tourism on Board: study of bus users in 14 tourist areas, funded by 14 UK Local Authorities, regional partnerships and National Parks
The team
- Professor Hisham Elkadi (group lead)
- Dr Rachael Antwis
- Dr Sura Al-Maiyah
- Dr Sana Belquith
- Dr Sara Biscaya
- Dr Tanja Poppelreuter
- Andrew Clark
- Professor Terrence Fernando
- Dr Kwasi Gyau
- Dr Sam Hayes
- Dr Michael Hardman
- Nourhan Hesham
- Professor Philip James
- Dr Inji Kenawy
- Dr Claudia Trillo
Journal Articles
- Alqalami, T, Elkadi H., and Al-Alwan H. (2020) The Application of BIM Tools to Explore the Dynamic Characteristics of Smart Materials in a Contemporary Shanashil Building Design Element, International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning (IJSDP), Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 193-199
- Elkadi, H. (2020) A Participatory Model for the Regeneration of Australian Cities: The Case of Geelong, Glob J Eng Sci. 4(4): 2020. GJES. MS.ID.000595. DOI: 10.33552/GJES.2020.04.000595
- Heysham, N. and Elkadi H. (2019) Social Capital As A Community Currency For Furniture Industry Enterprises In Damietta, Egypt, International Journal of Community Currency Research, in Press
- Abdulkareem, M. and Elkadi, H. (2018) From engineering to evolutionary, an overarching approach in identifying the resilience of urban design to flood, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, February 2018.
- Biscaya, S. and Aouad, G. (2017) 2050 – The Invisible Future, in Future Challenges in Evaluating and Managing Sustainable Development in the Built Environment (eds P. S. Brandon, P. Lombardi and G. Q. Shen), John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester, UK. doi: 10.1002/9781119190691.ch7
- Dennis, M. and James, P. (2017) ‘Ecosystem services of collectively managed urban gardens: exploring factors affecting synergies and trade-offs at the site level’, Ecosystem Services, 26 (A) , pp. 17-26
- Dennis, M. and James, P. (2017) ‘Evaluating the relative influence on population health of domestic gardens and green space along a rural-urban gradient’, Landscape and Urban Planning, 157, pp. 343-351
- González, A., Zotano, M., Swan, W., Bouillard, P. and Elkadi H. (2017) Maturity Matrix Assessment: evaluation of energy efficiency strategies in Brussels historic residential stock, Energy Procedia 111 (2017) 407 – 416, ScienceDirect,
- Hardman, M., Chipungu, L., Hangwelani, M., Larkham, P.J., Scott, A.J. and Armitage, R.P. (2017) Guerrilla Gardening and Green Activism: Rethinking the Informal Urban Growing Movement, Landscape and Urban Planning, 170: 6 – 14
- Izadpanahi, P., Elkadi, H., and Tucker, R. (2017) Greenhouse effect: The relationship between sustainable design of schools and children’s environmental attitudes, Environmental Education Research, Vol 23, Issue 7, 901-918, Taylor & Francis
- Kleerekoper, L., Taleghani, M., Huurdijk, T. and Dobbelsteen, A. (2017) “Urban measures for hot weather conditions in a temperate climate condition: A review study”, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 75: 515-533
- Kong, F., Ban, Y., James, P. and Dronova, I. (2017) ‘Modeling stormwater management at the city district level in response to changes in land use and low impact development’ , Environmental Modelling & Software, 95, pp. 132-142
- Nasrollahi, N., Hatami, Z. and Taleghani, M., (2017),”Development of outdoor thermal comfort model for tourists in urban historical areas; A case study in Isfahan”, Building and Environment, 125, 356-372
- Scott, A.J., Carter, C., Hardman, M., Grayson, N. and Slaney, T. (2017) Mainstreaming Ecosystem Science into Spatial Planning Policy and Decision-Making, Land Use Policy, 70: 232-246
- St Clair, R., Hardman, M., Armitage, R.P. and Sheriff, G.S. (2017) The Trouble with Temporary: Impacts and Pitfalls of Meanwhile Community Gardening in Wythenshawe, South Manchester, Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, doi:10.1017/S1742170517000291
- Yin, H., Kong, F., Middel, A., Xu, H. and James, P. (2017) ‘Cooling effect of direct green façades during hot summer days: an observational study in Nanjing, China using TIR and 3DPC data’, Building and Environment (116), pp. 195-206
- Chipungu, L., Magidimisha, H., Hardman, M. and Beesley, L. (2016) Exploring Urban Agriculture in Africa: A Review of the Practice in Harare, Nairobi and Johannesburg, in: Thomas, A. and Brearley, F. (Eds.) Land-Use Change Impacts on Soil Processes in Tropical and Savannah Ecosystems, Surrey: CABI
- Dabaieh, M., Kenawy, I., Ismaeel, W.S.E. and Adel, M. (2016) Carbon mapping for residential low retrofitting. Advanced Technology for Sustainable Systems. Springer
- Davies, N. (2016) Who walks, where and why? The UK Recreational Walking Market, Annals of Leisure Research
- Dennis, M., Armitage, R.P. and James, P. (2016) ‘Appraisal of social-ecological innovation as an adaptive response by stakeholders to local conditions: mapping stakeholder involvement in horticulture orientated green space management’, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 18 , pp. 86-94
- Dennis, M., Armitage, R.P. and James, P. (2016) ‘Social-ecological innovation: adaptive responses to urban environmental conditions, Urban Ecosystems, 19 (3), pp. 1063-1082
- Dennis, M. and James, P. (2016) ‘Considerations in the valuation of urban green space: Accounting for user participation’, Ecosystem Services, 21 (Part A), pp. 120-129
- Dennis, M. and James, P. (2016) ‘Site-specific factors in the production of local urban ecosystem services: a case study of community-managed green space’, Ecosystem Services, 17, pp. 208-216
- Farina, A. and James, P. (2016) ‘The acoustic communities: definition, description and ecological role’, BioSystems, 147, pp. 11-20
- Mak, C., Scholz, M. and James, P. (2016) ‘Sustainable drainage system site assessment method using urban ecosystem services’ , Urban Ecosystems, pp. 1-15
- Taleghani, M., Sailor, D. and Ban-Weiss G. (2016),”Micrometeorological simulations to predict the impacts of heat mitigation strategies on pedestrian thermal comfort in a Los Angeles neighborhood”, Environmental Research Letters, 11(02)
- Yin, H., Kong, F., Hu, Y., James, P., Xu, F. and Yu, L. (2016) ‘Assessing growth scenarios for their landscape ecological security impact, using the SLEUTH urban growth model’, Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 142 (2)
- Adams, D., Hardman, M. and Larkham, P. (2015) Exploring Guerrilla Gardening: Gauging Public Views on the Grassroots Activity, Local Environment, 20 (10): 1231 – 1246
- Al-Maiyah, S. and Elkadi, H. (2015) Turkish D-light: Accentuating heritage values with daylight, Journal of Engineering History and Heritage, 168(4), pp. 137–138, Institution of Civil Engineering, UK
- Davies, N. and Weston, R. (2015) Reducing car-use for leisure: can organised walking groups switch from car travel to bus and train walks? Journal of Transport Geography 48 (October, 2015), pp.23-29
- Dennis, M. and James, P. (2015) ‘User participation in urban green commons: exploring the links between access, voluntarism, biodiversity and well-being’, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 15, pp. 22-31
- Guiver, J., Davies, N. and Weston, R. (2015) ‘Scheduled Bus Use in Natural and Protected Areas: Visitor Preferences and Service Design Issues’, in Orsi, F. (ed.) Sustainable Transportation in Natural and Protected Areas, London: Routledge
- Jiao, X., Jin, Y., Gunawan, O.T. and James, P. (2015) ‘Modelling spatial distribution of outdoor recreation trips of urban residents: An in-depth study in Salford, UK’, International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, 3 (3), pp. 36-49
- Weston, R., Davies, N. and Guiver, J. (2015) ‘Cycle Tourism Development in the Peak District National Park, United Kingdom’, in Orsi, F. (ed.) Sustainable Transportation in Natural and Protected Areas, London: Routledge.
- Adams, D., Hardman, M. and Scott, A.J. (2014) Guerrilla Warfare in the Planning System: Revolutionary Progress Towards Sustainability? Geografriska Annaler Series B: Human Geography, 95 (4): 375 – 387
- Adams, D. and Hardman, M. (2014) Observing Guerrillas in the Wild: Reinterpreting Practices of Informal Gardening, Urban Studies, 51 (6): 1103 – 1119
- Doheim, R., Nadjai, A., Yohanis, Y. and Elkadi, H. (2014) The impact of atrium shape on natural smoke ventilation, Fire Safety Journal, 63 (2014) 9–16, Elsevier
- Hardman, M. and Larkham, P. (2014) Informal Urban Agriculture: The Secret Lives of Guerrilla Gardeners, London: Springer
- Hardman, M. and Larkham, P. (2014) Food Charters: A Mechanism for Increasing Urban Agriculture, Land Use Policy, 39: 400 – 402
- Kong, F., Yin, H., Wang, C., Cavan, G. and James, P. (2014) ‘A satellite image-based analysis of factors contributing to the green-space cool island intensity on a city scale’, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 13 (4), pp. 846-853
- Kong, F., Yin, H., James, P., Hutyra, L.R. and He, H.S. (2014) ‘Effects of spatial pattern of greenspace on urban cooling in a large metropolitan area of eastern China’, Landscape and Urban Planning, 128, pp. 35-47. Item not available from this repository
- Rajagopalan, P. and Elkadi, H. (2014) Energy Performance of Medium-sized Healthcare Buildings in Victoria, Australia: A Case Study, Journal of Healthcare Engineering, Volume 5 No 2, multi-science
- Al Salmi, H., Elkadi, H. and Leao, S. (2013) Environmental Assessment Methods in Abu Dhabi, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 78 2013, pp. 1101,1109
- Elkadi, H. and Al-Maiyah, S. (2013) Assessing the use of advanced daylight modelling tools in enhancing the student learning experience, Journal of Education in the Built Environment
- Kattel, G. and Elkadi, H. (2013) Developing a complementary framework for urban ecology, Journal of Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening (2013)
- Kattel, G. and Elkadi, H. (2013) Long-term monitoring of the surface water quality data of Corio Bay: a case study for a useful management of a Waterfront City, Water and Environment Journal
- Radford, K.G. and James, P. (2013) ‘Changes in the value of ecosystem services along a rural–urban gradient: A case study of Greater Manchester, UK’, Landscape and Urban Planning, 109 (1), pp. 117-127
- Davies, N.J. (2012). What are the ingredients of successful travel behavioural change campaigns? Transport Policy. 24(3) pp.19-29
- Davies, N.J., Lumsdon, L.M. and Weston, R. (2012) Developing Recreational Trails: Motivations for Recreational Walking. Tourism Planning & Development, 9 (1). pp. 77-88
- Elkadi, H. and Al-Maiyah, S. (2012) Study on the Visual Performance of a Traditional Residential Neighborhood in Old Cairo, International Journal of Urban Technology, Routledge, DOI:10.1080/10630732.2011.649913
- Kong, F., Yin, H., Nakagoshi, N. and James, P. (2012) ‘Simulating urban growth processes incorporating a potential model with spatial metrics’, Ecological Indicators, 20, pp. 82-91
- Leao, S. and Elkadi, H. (2012) The use of public transport in coastal Australia : modes of travel to work and greenhouse emissions, Advanced materials research, vol. 347-353, pp. 4034-4044, Trans Tech Publications, Stafa-Zurich, Switzerland
- Zamani Z., Taleghani M., and Hosseini, S.B. (2012), Courtyards as solutions in green architecture to reduce environmental pollution, Energy Education Science and Technology Part A, 30 (1): 385-396
- Davies, N.J., Lumsdon, L.M. and Weston, R. (2011) ‘Health Motivations for Recreational Walking’ Studies on Mobility and Transport Research: Issue 3: “Transport and Health Issues” – Current frameworks, trends, implementations and perspectives
- Kenawy, I. and Elkadi, H. (2011) Diversity and Thermal Comfort in Outdoor Places, The International Journal of Diversity, Issue 1. Vol. 11, pp. 237-248, Illinois, USA
- Leao, S. and Elkadi, H. (2011) Carbon geography: mapping CO2 emission from commuting in regional Australia, Journal of Geographical Information Science
- Taleghani M., Ansari H.R., and Jennings P., (2011), “Sustainability in architectural education: A comparison of Iran and Australia”, Renewable Energy, 36(7): 2021-2025
- Elkadi, H. and Al-Maiyah, S. (2010) Daylight for sustainable Built Heritage Sites, Built Environment Journal, Vol. 7, No. 1, Selangor, Malaysia
- Hanachi, P. and Taleghani, M. (2010), “Consideration output of students of architecture between traditional and digital methods in Iran”, Energy Education Science and Technology Part B, 3(1-2) 15-28
- Taleghani, M., Ansari, H.R. and Jennings, P. (2010), “Renewable energy education in sustainable architecture: lessons from developed and developing countries”, Energy Education Science and Technology Part B, 2(3-4) 111-131
- Hanachi, P., Taleghani, M. and Zamani, Z. (2009), “Permanency, as a New Understanding of Sustainability: Case Study Using Traditional Iranian Architecture”, International Journal of Sustainability Science and Studies (1) 8-14
- James, P., Tzoulas, K., Adams, M.D., Barber, A., Box, J., Breuste, J., Elmqvist, T., Frith, M., Gordon, C., Greening, K.L., Handley, J., Haworth, S., Kazmierczak, A.E., Johnston, M., Korpela, K., Moretti, M., Niemela, J., Pauleit, S., Roe, M.H., Sadler, J.P. and Ward Thompson, C. (2009) ‘Towards an integrated understanding of green space in the European built environment’ , Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 8 (2), pp. 65-75
- Weston, R. and Davies, N. J. (2007) The Future of Transport and Tourism: A Delphi Approach Tourism and Hospitality Planning & Development, Volume 4, Issue 2 August 2007, pages 121 – 133
Books / Book Chapters
- Douglas, I. and James, P. (2015) urban ecology: An introduction, Routledge
- Elkadi, H. and Lozanovska, M. (2011) Diversity and Architecture, in Diversity Research and Policy, A multidisciplinary Exploration, Knotter et al (eds), Pallas Publications, Amsterdam
- James, P., Law, B.A. and Redhead, N. (2016) ‘Visualising ecosystem services using historical publications’, in: Urban Landscape Ecology: Science, Policy and Practice, Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 245-259
- Niemelä, J., Breuste, J.H., Elmqvist, T., Guntenspergen, G., James, P. and McIntyre, N.E. (2011) Urban Ecology – patterns, processes, and applications , Oxford University Press, Oxford
- Tzoulas, K., James, P., Price, E. and Wheater, P. (2015) ‘What are the European legal duties to conserve biodiversity in university campuses?’, in: Integrating Sustainability Thinking in Science and Engineering Curricula: Innovative Approaches, Methods and Tools Series, World Sustainability Series (2199-7373), Springer, pp. 413-424
Conference Papers
- Bigolin, M. and Elkadi, H. (2017) Basis of a new Building Resilience Integrated Model, 7th International Conference on Building Resilience; Using scientific knowledge to inform policy and practice in disaster risk reduction, ICBR2017, 27 – 29 November 2017, Bangkok, Thailand
- Bigolin, M., Elkadi,H. and Silva Filho Luiz C.P. (2017) Basis of a new Building Resilience Integrated Model for facility and conservation management under a holistic perspective, PICMET ’17 Conference “Technology Management for Interconnected World”, July 9 – 13, 2017, Portland, Oregon, USA
- Doncel, B., Galán González A., and Elkadi, H. (2017) Design and Inclusiveness in Restoring Cultural Built Heritage: 15th Hospital in Velez-Malaga, REHAB 17, REHAB 2017 – 3rd International Conference on¿Preservation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historical Buildings and Structures, June 14-16, Guimarães, PORTUGAL
- Elhassi, A. and Elkadi, H. (2017) Towards Socio-Cultural Sustainability in Desert Dwelling Design, SIRW, 10-17 September 2017, Salford, UK
- Elkadi, H. (2017) Smart Cities in Context, invited Keynote speech, International Smart City Summit Forum, Shanghai, China, June 2017
- Elkadi, H. (2017) Building Specifications for Smart Cities Future, Keynote speech, Building Specifiers Conference, Colombo, Sri Lanka, June 2017
- Elkadi, H. (2017) sponge cities, smart architecture and the need for energy saving in construction and building use to reduce climate, Wuhan China, March 2017
- Elkadi, H. and Gray, F. (2017) Neo Ekistics: Regional Cities Futures: Case Studies from UK and Australia, EcoCity World Summit, July 2017, Melbourne
- Elkadi, H. and Todd, V. (2017) , Regenerating a city centre using a crowd-sourcing planning approach: a case study of the Vision 2 project in Geelong, Australia, EcoCity World Summit, July 2017, Melbourne
- Gabr M., Elkadi H., and Biscaya, S. (2017) Utilizing Innovative potentials On Campus outdoors: The case of the University of Salford, SIRW, 10-17 September 2017, Salford, UK
- Gabr, M., Elkadi, H., and Biscaya, S. (2017), Utilizing innovation potentials on campus outdoors: for the development of the university of Salford, in 13th International Postgraduate Research Conference 2017 (p. 317).
- Galán González A., Bigolin, M. and Elkadi, H. (2017) Comparing the maturity of Risk Assessment in the UK and Brazil housing sector, World SBE, Hong Kong, 5-7 June 2017
- James, P. (2017) Funding environmental management and research over the long term: the Mersey Gateway case study, in: IALE (UK) Annual Conference: 25 Years of Landscape Ecology, 27-29 June 2017, Manchester Metropolitan University
- James, P. (2017) Modelling the urban environment through ecological eyes: challenges of modelling nature, in: AUM 2017: symposium on Applied Urban Modelling, 22-23 June 2017, Robinson College, Cambridge
- Kenawy, I. and Al Hegazi, S. (2017) Desertification and city resilience in Siwa, Egypt, PLEA 2017 Design to Thrive, Edinburgh, UK
- Kenawy, I. and Khaled, M. (2017) Land Suitability for Wind Farms in Suez Governorate, Egypt, PLEA 2017 Design to Thrive, Edinburgh, UK
- Roberts, B., Hughes, T., González, A., Fitton, R., Swan, W., and Elkadi, H. (2017) Comparison of Belgian and UK Building Performance Evaluation Tools when applied to the Salford Energy House, PLEA 2017, Edinburgh
- Al -Maiyah, S. and Elkadi, H. (2016) The Maturation of a Low-Impact Building: Post Occupancy Evaluation, has been accepted for presentation, PLEA 2016, 11–13 July, 2016, Los Angeles
- Bayar, M.S., Aziz, Z., Tezel, A., Arayici, Y. and Biscaya, S. (2016), “Optimizing handover of as-built data using BIM for highways”, In 1st International (UK) BIM Academic Forum Conference, Glasgow, UK
- Elkadi, H. (2016) Realising Urban Ecological Vision – Geelong VISION2, Australia, SBE16, 17-19 October 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece
- Elkadi H. (2016) Transformative Ecological Approach to Mega Projects, Keynote speech, International Conference of Mega Projects, 2-4 May 2016, BUE, Cairo Egypt
- Galán González, A., Roberts, B.I., Fitton, R., Swan, W., Elkadi, H. and Bouillard, P. (2016), Understanding Our Heritage: Monitoring of energy and environmental performance of traditional terraced houses of Northern England, EECHB 2016, 19-21 October 2016, Energy Efficiency and Comfort of Historic Buildings, Brussels
- Jaberansari, M. and Elkadi, H. (2016) Influence of different atria types on energy efficiency and thermal comfort of square plan high-rise buildings in semi-arid climate, International Conference on Energy, Environment, and Economics, 16-18 August 2016, Edinburgh
- Ismaeel, W. S. E., Adel, M., Dabaieh, M. and Kenawy, I. (2016) Using GIS as a decision making support tool for LEED credits, PLEA 2016 Cities, Buildings, People: Towards Regenerative Environments, Los Angeles, U.S.
- Elkadi, H. (2015) EcoCities in Context, Keynote speech, Ecocity World Summit, Abu Dhabi, September 2015
- Elkadi, H. (2015) Rethinking Ekistics: Transformative Approach to Ecological Challenges in Cities, Passive and Low Energy Association, Bologne, September 2015
- James, P. (2015) Urban ecosystems: Challenges for applied urban modelling, in: The 5th Symposium on Applied Urban Modelling (AUM) 2015, 24-26 June 2015, University of Cambridge
- Kenawy, I. and Ehab, A. (2015) Community participation as a gate to new Egyptian society, the 31st international PLEA conference. Bologna, Italy
- James, P., Millward, A., Morrison, K., Bishop, O.J. and Dennis, M. (2013) Changing urban areas using landscape scale ecological processes and thinking , in: Changing urban areas using landscape scale ecological processes and thinking, A symposium as part of the IALE European Congress 2013, Manchester
- Kenawy, I. and Elkadi, H. (2013) The impact of cultural and climatic background on thermal sensation votes, the 29th international PLEA conference, Sustainable Architecture for a Renewable Future. Munich, Germany
- Mak, C., James, P. and Miklas, S. (2013) Linking sustainable drainage systems (SuDS), ecosystem services and disservices using a communication and planning tool: New connections in urban ecology , in: 1st Congress of the Society for Urban Ecology, 25-27 July 2013, Berlin, Germany
- Gunawan, O.T., Armitage, R.P. and James, P. (2012) Creating and index of Urban Environmental Quality: a pixel-based approach , in: Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society Annual Conference 2012, 12th – 14th September 2012, University of Greenwich
- Mak, C., James, P. and Scholz, M. (2012) Linking sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDS) and ecosystem services: New connections in urban ecology, in: British Ecological Society Annual Meeting (18-20 December 2012), 18-20 Dec 2012, University of Birmingham
- Kenawy, I. and Elkadi, H. (2012). Thermal Comfort in Outdoor Places: A multicultural perception. 28th international PLEA conference, Opportunities, limits: Towards an Environmentally Responsible Architecture. Lima, Peru
- Kenawy, I. and Elkadi, H. (2012). Effect of thermal adaptation on Outdoor Comfort Perception. 8th International conference on Urban Climate and 10th symposium on the Urban Environment. Dublin, Ireland
- Kenawy, I. and Elkadi, H. (2012). Effect of personal and cultural diversity on outdoor thermal comfort perception. 8th International conference on Urban Climate and 10th symposium on the Urban Environment. Dublin, Ireland
- Kenawy, I. and Elkadi, H. (2011). Diversity and Thermal Comfort adaptation. The Association of Architecture Schools of Australia 2011 Conference, Architecture @ the edge. Geelong, Australia
- Kenawy, I. and Elkadi, H. (2011). Thermal Comfort & Multicultural Public Places. 4th International Urban Design Conference. Gold Coast, Australia
Study opportunities
Professor Hisham Elkadi
Dean, School of the Built Environment
T: +44 161 295 6807
Dr Nick Davies
Research Fellow
T: +44 161 295 2858