Prosthetics and Orthotics
We lead and host the EPSRC-funded CDT in Prosthetics and Orthotics (£5.5M from EPSRC), with Imperial, Strathclyde and Southampton as academic partners together with 27 external partners including the major P&O manufacturers. The CDT will recruit 58 PhD students and provides wide-ranging multidisciplinary research, embedded in industry, user and stakeholders needs. Projects range in scope from policy-focused research, in collaboration with the WHO, to design of novel prosthetic devices. Our work on lower-limb prostheses has included: Evaluation of a novel self-aligning hydraulic ankle; Work on energy inefficiency in amputee gait; The design and simulation of a novel prosthetic ankle, which uses miniature hydraulics to store and return energy; Design and testing of adjustable sockets. Work on upper-limb prostheses focuses on three quite different problems: The design of purely mechanical prostheses for Low to Middle-Income Countries; Solving the socket motion artefact problem that causes false activations of myoelectric prosthetic hands; Design and testing of adjustable sockets. Follow links below to learn about specific projects:
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