Scott Thurston

Roger Dean performs piano to Scott Thurston’s dancing

The distinguished improvising pianist Roger Dean will be performing a piano solo in response to a specially commissioned film of a kinepoetic (dance & poetry) solo by Scott Thurston. The film, directed and photographed by Maria Andrews, was facilitated by technician Charlie Cragg at the New Adelphi Studio on the University of Salford campus in […]

Scott Thurston on tour Winter 2025

Scott Thurston is performing his distinctive kinepoetic practice, combining dance and poetry, at three different venues in February and March. On 19 February he appears at the CONTEMPO series hosted by the University of Aberystwyth (contact Scott for information on On 13 March he appears at the University of Plymouth’s Creative Talks series. See […]

New Arts for the Blues training dates released

The Arts for the Blues project recently announced new dates for its popular continuing professional development (CPD) days, starting on the 1 March with a day-long introduction to the Arts for the Blues model of creative group psychotherapy. For more details about the overall project please visit the Arts for the Blues website here. For […]

Arts for the Blues in Berlin

Scott Thurston and other members of the Arts for the Blues research team are presenting the project this week at the Federation of European Psychodrama Training Organisations (FEPTO)’s annual meeting at the International Psychoanalytic University in Berlin 3-6 October. The theme of the gathering is Unveiling the Connections: Research in Psychodrama and Arts-based Approaches. The […]

Arts for the Blues interviewed by The Psychologist

The three founders of Arts for the Blues: Joanna Omylinska-Thurston, Scott Thurston (both University of Salford) and Vicky Karkou (Edge Hill) were recently interviewed by The Psychologist about the project. You can read the interview online in full here.

Arts for the Blues and Arts4Us

Arts for the Blues is involved in a new mental health project for children and young people which has won £2.5million from UKRI. The Arts4Us project will bring together the best practice in arts and arts therapies in one digital platform, making it easier for young people and their families to find crucial help. It […]

Scott Thurston’s inaugural lecture

Scott Thurston will be delivering his inaugural professorial lecture entitled ‘Kinepoetics: an embodied journey through dance, poetry and therapy’ on Tuesday 19 March at 5:30pm at the University of Salford’s MediaCityUK campus in the Digital Performance Lab. The lecture is described as follows: With the worldwide challenge of mental health at an all-time high, we […]

Book launch for Scott Thurston’s Turning

Scott Thurston will be launching his selected poems Turning (Shearsman) at the New Adelphi Studio on Tuesday 27th February at 6pm. Here’s the book’s cover endorsement by Robert Sheppard: Thurston’s poems always danced, as the early writings here demonstrate, in line and spacing, long before dance as a practice became his poetic focus and his […]

Arts for the Blues in the news

Arts for the Blues has had some great press coverage in recent weeks, including an appearance of Prof Scott Thurston on That’s TV: Please see the links below for further coverage in print media:

Arts for the Blues wins new AHRC grant funding

Arts for the Blues, an evidenced-based creative psychological therapy developed by Prof Scott Thurston as a collaborative partnership between the University of Salford and Edge Hill University, has been awarded £50,000 from the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) to develop a CPD (Continuing Professional Development) package. The two-day course, supported by a website and […]