Customiser Options

WordPress comes with the ability to customise aspects of a theme to tweak it to how you want. The Salford RC theme utilises this to give significant combustibility of the theme.

Global Settings

The settings under global settings will affect most if not all aspects of the WordPress site.

Accent Colour

The primary colour used for areas such as the navigation bar.

Available options are

  • red
  • navy
  • black
  • white
  • blue
  • light-green
  • light-red
  • yellow

These colours use colours from the University of Salford brand guidelines, we will not add other colours unless they are added to the brand guidelines.

Site Logo

A static image shown to the right of the Site Name and description. This can also be used to override the site name and description if you want.

Show Site Title?

Toggles the Site Title in the header bar

Show Site Description?

Toggles the Site Description in the header bar

Secondary Menu Title

The title of the secondary navigation menu. This can be anything you’d like, as long as it describes the links in the menu.

Show Breadcrumbs

Toggles breadcrumbs that are shown on pages and posts

Float Sidebar to the Right?

Pushes the sidebar further to the right on non-fluid pages

Listing Pages

These are the settings that affect listing pages (also known as archive pages).

Posts Page Banner

The static image banner for the default post listing page.

Show the Posts banner on all listing pages?

Toggle to show the posts banner on all listing pages, which don’t already have a featured image from another source.

Show listing pages with 4 columns?

Toggle to switch listing pages between 2 and 4 columns

Show featured images on listing pages?

Toggle to show post featured images on listing pages

Show featured image above title on listing pages?

Toggle to show the featured post image above the title of the post on the listing page.

Site Identity

Default wordpress customiser option. This allows you to change the site Title and Description as well as the site icon.

Video Banner

The settings regarding the video banner that can be enabled by using a video banner page template.

It is recommended to have both a webm and mp4 source for the video banner to make sure as many people as possible are able to load the video.

Video Poster

The image shown to the user if they are unable to load any of the provided video sources.

Video Source with “.webm” extension

The video source uploaded to the wordpress site that ends in “.webm”

Video Source with “.mp4” extension

The video source uploaded to the wordpress site that ends in “.mp4”

Post Author

Settings to configure how the Post Author section on a post displays.


Default wordpress customiser option that allows for the configuration of the Navigation menus

Footer Social Links

Fields to allow for social links in the footer of the page. Each field correlates to a social platform and pulls through that platform’s logo.