Acoustics and Audio Courses

Since the 1970s we have been teaching courses on Acoustics and Audio:
- MSc Acoustics
- MSc Audio Production
- BEng Acoustical and Audio Engineering
- MEng Acoustical and Audio Engineering
- BSc Sound Engineering Production
- Masters by research and PhD programme
Standalone Postgraduate Acoustics
In addition to the complete MSc in Acoustics, it is also possible to take individual modules:
- Computer Simulation for Acoustics
- Environmental Noise Measurement and Modelling
- Immersive Sound Reproduction; Loudspeakers and Microphones
- Measurement, Analysis and Assessment
- Digital Signal Processing and Machine Learning
- Noise and Vibration Control
- Principles of Acoustics and Vibration
- Psychoacoustics and Musical Acoustics
- Room Acoustics