Speaker: Dr Usue Ruiz Arana Senior Lecturer in Landscape Architecture Thinking Eye editor at JoLA
Wed 22nd January 12:00 – 13:00 UK time. This seminar will be held in person in Gilbert 1 and you can join us online via Microsoft Teams.

Sound and listening are integral to how communities engage with environments. Accordingly, many soundscape research projects are carried out to improve environments, with methods rapidly developing in a variety of human and non-human-centred fields. Although developments are taking place in parallel, approaches are yet to be fully integrated for the design and planning of multispecies soundscapes for the health and well-being of all communities. This talk is an exploratory proposition towards the alignment of human and non-human soundscape approaches and aims to instigate questions and further research towards the expansion of soundscape practices.
Usue is a chartered landscape architect and senior lecturer in Landscape Architecture at Newcastle University. Her research crosscuts the fields of acoustic ecology, multispecies collaborations and research by design and is concerned with advancing Landscape Architecture as a discipline uniquely positioned to address planetary health, biodiversity and climate crises, and eco-justice.