Dr Heather Yates

Heather is investigating thin film coatings with added value functional properties via chemical vapour deposition (CVD). The atmospheric-pressure CVD systems are all capable of scale-up and integration into industrial processes. CVD can be used to produce a range of nanostructured coating and surface structures, including anti-microbial, hydrophobic and photocatalytic surfaces for infection control, as well as for use in solar cells. Heather has a wide experience working within multidisciplinary and international groups with chemists, microbiologists and engineers.
Current projects
Infection control via chemical vapour deposition: exploring the use of antimicrobial coatings for surfaces that usually spread bacterial diseases, such as door plates. In conjunction with Melbec Microbiology Ltd., funded by the Higher Education Innovation Fund.
with Joe Latimer, Chloe James and Helen-Louise Ackers
Selected works
Yates, H. M. (2017) Dual functionality anti-reflection and biocidal coatings. Surface and Coatings Technology 324, 201-207.