E-Scooters in Greater Manchester
Lime launched their e-scooter share scheme in Salford in autumn 2020 and asked the research team to conduct social research to understand the use of these new vehicles. The study involved a set of reference groups, a three-stage online survey (the final stage receiving 1514 responses) and 49 qualitative interviews. We investigated who was using the e-scooters and for what purposes and used the results to understand their social and environmental impact. We wanted to understand, for example, what parts of the population were most likely to be using the vehicles and how they might have made their journeys if e-scooters were not available. We were also interested in the sharing element of the scheme, and whether one of their advantages was that you could pick them up and drop off rather than having to buy one, maintain it and store it at home. We published a final report and an academic paper in the journal Active Travel Studies.
External partners and funders
Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM)
Graeme Sherriff (Lead)
Luke Blazejewski