Transforming Products and Improving Practice in Human Movement and Rehabilitation
Salford’s Human Movement and Rehabilitation team works with industry across the globe to
improve the lives of people with mobility problems. This ranges from people who have difficulty
walking and rely on gait analysis to inform diagnosis and treatment, to the millions of workers
who stand for long periods at work and suffer musculoskeletal pain and to the survivors of
stroke, for whom regaining limb movement is key to their daily activities. In addressing these
issues, Salford’s research led to the first major update to clinical gait analysis methods in 40
years, impacting the work of 1,000 clinical laboratories worldwide, some 80% of the global
sector; it challenged the occupational footwear sector’s focus on accident prevention, redirecting
it toward footwear to protect musculoskeletal health, resulting in a new company, strategy and
products (>60,000 sold); and it produced a patented rehabilitation technology that provides high-quality physical therapy without the need for highly skilled staff, resulting in a spin-out company
in China, investment of GBP2,000,000 and benefitting 1,350 patients in its first 18 months.
This case study was submitted to REF 2021. For more information and to download the full case study here