Developing the Evidence Base to Improve Quality of Care and Health Outcomes for Children and Young People (CYP) Requiring Intensive Mental Health Care Provision
The National Association of Psychiatric Intensive Care (NAPICU) has partnered with the University of Salford, for a ground-breaking research project that aims to shape the urgent and intensive care provision for children and young people experiencing mental health problems in the UK.
This research will focus on developing the evidence base to improve care quality and outcomes for children and young people requiring intensive therapeutic mental health care. The three-year project will generate new knowledge, aligned to NHS England’s drive to transform children and young people’s inpatient mental health services through development of evidence-based services and solutions to the challenges facing children and young people experiencing acute and complex mental health needs.
The project will include a funded industrial PhD studentship at the University of Salford, in order to build research capacity within the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) clinical network, and a programme of national stakeholder and service user engagement.
A mixed methods research design will establish a comprehensive understanding of how care provision for children and young people experiencing acute and complex mental health needs is organised, implemented and used, drawing out implications for improving standards for future design and delivery of intensive therapeutic mental health care.

National Association of Psychiatric Intensive Care
Dr Stephen Pereira (NAPICU)
Dr Celeste Foster (University of Salford)
Dr Beryl Navti (NAPICU)
Prof Alison Brettle (University of Salford)
Janine Hunter (PhD student at University of Salford)