Exploring Social Media Preferences Among the Inflammatory Bowel Disease
The project aims to investigate the use of social media among adults with inflammatory bowel disease via questionnaires and focus groups to inform a future large-scale study that will assess the quality of IBD information on social media and the effectiveness of communication through social media as a means to improve patient education and outcomes.
- To pilot and evaluate a 46 point Social Media Use Questionnaire previously used in North America and check its suitability among the UK IBD population.
- To generate an understanding of the IBD population patterns and barriers to using social media.
- To generate an understanding of IBD population preferences for disease- specific educational information through Social media.
Project Team
PI Mariyana Schoultz (Northumbria University)
Co-I: Cristina Vasilica (UoS)
Prof Jimmy K. Limdi
Dr Nasar Aslam (NCA)
Research Groups:
Centre for Social and Health Research
Knowledge Health and Place & Connected Lives
Diverse Realities
Project Funder: UoS funded