Project Thoughts

Do or do not; there is no try (Yoda, 896 BBY – 4 ABY)

As I look back over this project which began with the aim of taking a number of NHS “Child Sexual Exploitation Assessment Tools”, working with some children and young people and trying to work out what the “best” questions were from the multitude of tools that are around, and I look at where the participants […]

Let us have our say!

‘Let us have our Say!’ ‘Make decisions about us, with us. Let us have our say! Royal College of Paediatrics & Child Health Youth Advisory Panel member   Organisations of all kinds, including health and social care organisations, are increasingly required to involve service users, including Children and Young People (CYP), in developing strategies and […]

Deana Bates

When I was approached by Professor Andrew Rowland about working on the ‘Not just a thought’… project, I thought I would merely take minutes at meetings and do a bit of typing. Never once did I think I would be encouraged to be an active participant in such a wonderful project! The aim of the […]

Co-design of services in partnership with children, young people and young adults

Co-design of services in partnership with children, young people and young adults Healthcare decision-making involving children and young people can be a difficult process, especially in situations of serious illness. When children are ill, adults have an understandable desire to protect them from difficult decisions and to shield them from unpleasant information. Yet, children want […]