Jade Munslow Ong

English Research Seminar: Phillip Tipton and Jade Munslow Ong

We are delighted to announce the latest English Research Seminar, taking place in person this Wednesday 12 October between 2:30 and 4:30 on the University of Salford campus. If you wish to attend as a member of the public, please contact Scott Thurston on S.Thurston@salford.ac.uk. We also hope to make the seminar available to online […]

New film from SA Modernism team due to be screened this Autumn

The film All that is Buried, that members of the SA Modernism team (Jade Munslow Ong, Emma Barnes and Sanja Nivesjö) were involved in making this summer will be screened as part of the national Being Human Festival on Friday 11th November 17:30-19:00 in the Digital Performance Lab at MediaCityUK. Free tickets available here (includes welcome […]

Visit the South African Modernism 1880-2020 research blog

South African Modernism 1880-2020 is an AHRC-funded research project featuring colleagues Jade Munslow Ong (PI), Emma Barnes and Sanja Nivesjö in collaboration with Andrew van der Vlies (University of Adelaide). The project maintains an excellent website here: https://www.southafricanmodernism.com/ and you can read all the latest news at the research blog here: https://www.southafricanmodernism.com/blog-1

New article by Jade Munslow Ong

We are excited to report Jade’s latest article to appear in English Studies in Africa. The piece is entitled: ‘‘Too Uncompromising a Figure to be So Disposed of’: Virginia Woolf and/on Olive Schreiner You can read the article for free via open access here.

Jade Munslow Ong named as a 2022 New Generation Thinker

We are delighted to report that Jade Munslow Ong has been named by BBC Radio 3 and the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) as one of their 2022 New Generation Thinkers. Jade, along with nine other New Generation Thinkers, will have the prestigious opportunity to communicate her research by making programmes for BBC Radio 3. […]

Jade Munslow Ong on BBC Radio 3 Free Thinking

We were delighted that Dr Jade Munslow Ong was invited to appear on BBC Radio Three’s ‘Free Thinking’, in an episode entitled ‘Modernism Around the World’ this month. Details of the episode are below and you can listen to the programme here. Murals which aimed to synthesise the history and culture of Mexico, Japanese novels […]