New publication for Qudsia Akhtar
Congratulations to Qudsia on publishing a new poem at Wildness magazine. You can read the poem, entitled ‘Disenchantment’, here.
Congratulations to Qudsia on publishing a new poem at Wildness magazine. You can read the poem, entitled ‘Disenchantment’, here.
We are delighted to report that Jade Munslow Ong has been named by BBC Radio 3 and the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) as one of their 2022 New Generation Thinkers. Jade, along with nine other New Generation Thinkers, will have the prestigious opportunity to communicate her research by making programmes for BBC Radio 3. […]
Qudsia Akhtar will be performing her poetry at two events coming soon. On Wed 13 April starting at 7:30pm, Qudsia will be reading from her new book Khamoshi alongside other VERVE Poetry Press authors Betty Doyle, Erica Gillingham and Nicki Heinen, hosted by VERVE publisher Stuart Bartholomew. Book your ticket for this FREE Zoom event […]
We are pleased to report that Emma Barnes is a respondent at this important seminar which explores the current state of Victorian studies. As the abstract proposes: In the wake of the BLM protests in summer 2020, calls to diversify nineteenth-century studies have beenringing out across the academy in the UK, Europe and North America. […]
A new film, based on Kate Adams’ performance Water is Attracted to Water, is beginning an internation tour of film festivals. One Day We Will Dance with You, was screened in February at Cinema Verde: the International Environmental Film and Arts Festival, where it received the ‘Dancing Story’ award and will tour later this year […]
Colleagues were invited to take part in a special event in the Salford Museum and Art Gallery on 10 March to celebrate Jackie Kay’s tenure as the University’s Chancellor and to thank her for her remarkable service over the last five years. A number of warm and grateful speeches were made and Lindsay Taylor presented […]
On 12 March, colleagues and relatives alike were delighted to be invited to a glittering launch event for Qudsia Akhtar’s first poetry collection, Khamoshi (Silence), published by Verve Poetry Press, based in Birmingham. The event featured presentations from Peter Wells — Qudsia’s former English teacher — and Scott Thurston — Qudsia’s PhD supervisor. Rather than […]
Judy Kendall will be giving a presentation to an online research seminar ‘Riddles in Conversation’ as part of the AHRC-funded project, ‘Group Identity and the Early Medieval Riddle Tradition’. Judy’s presentation is entitled, ‘Avant-garde Translation Techniques’. As the organisers describe: ‘the Exeter Book riddles are often enlisted to illustrate what we think we know about […]
Scott Thurston has published a new book of poems with Beir Bua Press, based in Co. Tipperary. Terraces: a choreography, is a sequence of eighty prose poems which continue Scott’s long-standing exploration of embodied movement experiences through poetic language. Scott has realised several of the poems in the book as choreographic performances in which he […]
We are delighted to celebrate Stephen M Hornby’s new project timed to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the UK’s first National Pride in Huddersfield. Stephen, who is National Playwright in Residence to LGBT History Month, is writing ten monologues for a new performance work funded by the Arts Council, Kirklees Council and LGBT+ History Month. […]