
New publication for PhD alumna Amjad Alshalan

We are delighted to report that PhD alumna Amjad AlShalan has published an article entitled ‘Shakespeare’s Othello and Colour-Blindness among Saudi Readers’, which has been published in English: The Journal of the English Association (OUP) Amjad was supervised by Caroline Magennis and Tracy Crossley during her time at Salford, and has gone on to showcase […]

Emma Barnes in the PSA Newsletter

Emma Barnes has published an article entitled ‘Another Settler Move to Innocence: Unmarked Graves and Discourses of Discovery’ in the PSA Newsletter for Feb 2022. In light of the uncovering of mass graves in Canada, the most recent PSA newsletter is dedicated to foregrounding Indigenous voices through literature, art, storytelling, and articles about reconciliation initiatives […]

New Publication from Glyn White

We are delighted to report a new publication co-edited by Salford’s Glyn White and Philip Tew (Brunel). The latest volume in Bloomsbury’s Decades series, The 1940s: A Decade of Modern British Fiction, asks the question: how did social, cultural and political events concerning Britain during the 1940s reshape modern British fiction? Several years in the […]

New publication from Hannah Helm

We are delighted to report the latest publication from PhD student Hannah Helm (formerly Hannah Bury) — a book chapter in the collection Gender and Female Villains in 21st Century Fairy Tale Narratives (Emerald Insight) entitled ‘Maimed Wings and Broken Hearts: Physical Disability, Social Exclusion and Maternal Love in Disney’s Maleficent and Maleficent: Mistress of […]

Janice Allan wins International Crime Fiction Association Book Prize

We were delighted to hear this month that Dr Janice Allan has won the International Crime Fiction Association Book Prize with her The Routledge Companion to Crime Fiction (edited with Jesper Guiddal, Stewart King, and Andrew Pepper). You can find out more about the prize here. You can find out more about the book here. […]

Jade Munslow Ong on BBC Radio 3 Free Thinking

We were delighted that Dr Jade Munslow Ong was invited to appear on BBC Radio Three’s ‘Free Thinking’, in an episode entitled ‘Modernism Around the World’ this month. Details of the episode are below and you can listen to the programme here. Murals which aimed to synthesise the history and culture of Mexico, Japanese novels […]

AHRC funding for Arts for the Blues

We are delighted to report that Scott Thurston has received a major funding award (£180k) from the Arts and Humanities Research Council to develop the Arts for the Blues project, a collaboration with Joanna Omylinska-Thurston (University of Salford and NHS) and Vicky Karkou (Edge Hill University). The award is entitled: Arts for the Blues: Towards […]

Arts for the Blues and NICE consultation

The Arts for the Blues project has recently published an article ‘Arts for the Blues: The development of a new evidence-based creative group psychotherapy for depression’ which has been selected for inclusion in a new special virtual issue of Counselling and Psychotherapy Research to coincide with the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) […]

Arts for the Blues at the Met / WHO

A film about the Arts for the Blues project that Scott Thurston co-founded with Prof Vicky Karkou (Edge Hill) and Dr Joanna Omylinska-Thurston (Salford/NHS) with participation of other Salford colleagues (Dr Linda Dubrow-Marshall and Ailsa Parsons) was included as part of the Healing Arts Symposium hosted by the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the World […]