What are the most common questions from clients and visitors to the site?

Can I change my counselling session time or day if childcare or work arrangements change? 

Your counsellor has scheduled a set day and time for your session and there is usually little flexibility to change this, though it will depend on the counsellor’s availability.  It may be possible to transfer to another counsellor on a different day or/and time, again this will depend on availability within the counselling service, but cannot be guaranteed.

Is there a link to groups or other support agencies I might be able to access?

Yes we have a page which has helpful contacts and details of other agencies which may be useful.

Do I need to complete the forms every session?

Yes, part of our agreement to providing free counselling is to be able to use the data we collect every session, to help research the needs for Domestic violence and Abuse specialist support. If a week is missed then the data is not viable for the research we are conducting. Everything is anonymised so you will not be identifiable.

Can the counsellor say they don’t want to counsel me anymore?

This is very unusual, however if the counsellor believes that they do not have the specialist skills which you may benefit from, they may refer you to a more appropriate counsellor or service where you can get the support you need.  Or if there is an ethical issue which may compromise the counselling, this would be raised with you e.g. when the counsellor might realise that they have the same personal contacts and a referral to another counsellor would be made.

What type of counselling does the service offer?

The service offers primarily person-centred counselling, however a range of approaches and skills may be used where appropriate within each counselling session. 

Can I get EMDR in the counselling service?

No EMDR is not available.

If my ex-partner comes back to live with me do I have to tell my counsellor?

Counselling causes change within an individual which can be seen a threat to the perpetrator, to keep our clients safe they would need to inform their counsellor of any changes in their living arrangement so the best course of action can take place to keep the client safe from harm.

Will anyone be able to identify me in any published research?

No, clients are not named or identified in any part of published research, there are stringent checks to ensure that no aspect of the research makes any client identifiable.

Can I swap and change video or telephone counselling each week? 

You may wish to do this and let your counsellor know, however continuity and consistency is important in the counselling relationship and you may want a regular experience within the counselling session.

How many clients does a counsellor see in a week?

Usually a counsellor will see between 1 and 3 clients per week

Can I still go on holiday during my the period of therapy?

Yes, as long as you inform the counsellor of the your plans in advance.